In mid-June 2016 Piet Brouwer Electrotechnology successfully completed the adaptation of the electrical system at the Talma Haven health care centre in Urk. Over the coming years the centre will be transformed from a care home to a residential facility for people with severe care needs.
In construction terms, this entails changing the inside walls of the three-storey building, renewing the ceilings and giving new functions to the various spaces. This meant that the electrotechnical installation needing adapting and expanding, and the team from Piet Brouwer Electrotechnology completed the following activities:
– Disassembly of unnecessary and defect components
– Removal of unnecessary cables
– Replacement and connection of reusable existing components
– Adaptation and expansion of the current electrotechnical system
– Renewal of the relevant distribution boxes
– Expansion of the main distribution box
– Supply and installation of new LED fixtures and other light installations
– Adaptation and expansion of the current fire alarm system
– Adaptation and expansion of the nurse call system
– Adaptation and expansion of the data communication system
– Supply and installation of a Full HD camera system with recording server and three permanent monitors
– Manufacturing revision components for the (existing and new) system